jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Online Executive MBA

The executive MBA differs from a traditional MBA in that it is geared for business professionals who already have several years of management experience. Therefore, the courses do not include the foundational business administration framework found in a standard MBA program. Instead, classes focus on processes, improved management strategies and direct application in the workplace.

What Does an Executive MBA Cover?

An online Executive MBA is a rigorous graduate program that typically takes two years of study to complete. Because the program is geared toward full-time mid-level managers looking to move up the corporate ladder, few students complete the program faster, as many are enrolled part time and don’t have room in their busy schedules for accelerated studies. The online Executive MBA provides students with a thorough business administration education in all major areas, such as accounting, finance, marketing, management, statistics, business law and ethics. However, instruction in these courses is tailored for seasoned professionals, rather than those with little to no management experience. The focus of such classes isn’t to prepare students for management roles, but to teach students new ways of applying those business principles in their current place of work. Possible courses might include: Economic Analysis for Business Leaders, Analytical Tools for Decision Making, Bargaining and Negotiations, Strategic Management and Enterprise Risk Management. Some online Executive MBA programs give students the option to complete an international residency. Online Executive MBA programs usually do not require internships between the first and second years as standard MBA programs often do, because students are already employed in the business world where they can directly apply what they learn in class. Such programs also do not generally offer opportunities for specialization. Online Executive MBA programs capitalize on the collective business experience present in the classroom and thus often require group work in which students collaborate on projects.

Getting Into an Online Executive MBA Program

To get into an online Executive MBA program, all applicants must fulfill several requirements, such as holding an undergraduate bachelor’s degree with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students are not required to have majored in business during their undergraduate studies but should have proficiency in algebra-level mathematics. Those who lack mathematics skills can complete an algebra class before applying to an Executive MBA program. Some schools will also require GMAT scores. For example, the University of Pennsylvania requires that all applicants submit them, though there is no minimum score requirement.

Why Should I Get an AACSB Accredited Executive MBA?

Make sure that the school you select is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. The AACSB is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the advancement of quality management education and serves as an accreditor for undergraduate, master’s and doctoral programs in business and accounting. When online executive MBA schools are accredited, you can rest assured that you will receive a quality business education there and avoid wasting your money at a school that offers you classes that are too easy in exchange for a worthless degree.

Who Should Pursue an Online Executive MBA?

Many different types of people benefit from enrolling in online Executive MBA programs, particularly older individuals in mid-level management who are looking to sharpen their business skills and retrain for work in a modern business environment, brushing up on areas such as e-commerce, information technology and international business that have gained precedence in the last 15 years. The program provides key training for those who want to continue to climb the corporate ladder. The online Executive MBA program is also beneficial to high-level employees who want to polish their business skills to qualify for similar positions at other corporations. The online Executive MBA equips you with the practical skills and knowledge you need to make a career transition at the top.

What Jobs Can an Online Executive MBA Get Me?

CEO (Chief Executive Officer): The head of the company, the CEO establishes its goals and policies. He or she meets regularly with other top executives to ensure that the company is moving in the right direction and that its board of directors is satisfied. Most CEOs also have a hand in monitoring the company’s budget and making sure that it is being utilized to its full extent. In larger companies, CEOs may delegate some of their responsibilities to other executives and managers; in smaller firms, they may take on all of these roles as well as some other management-related ones.
General and Operations Manager: These managers are responsible for planning and coordinating the company’s operations. They work with top executives and mid-level managers to create policies, deal with day-to-day activities and plan how to use various departments. Most of these managers deal broadly with all branches of a company rather than just working in one division. This way, they can coordinate all departments to better help the company meet its general goals.
Sales Manager: Most sales managers work with retail companies and can be in charge of an entire region. These managers oversee sales employees and ensure that their branch is meeting the quota set forth by the company headquarters. Sales managers work closely with teams to provide satisfactory customer service and products. Many also devise ways to increase sales through promotions or advertising. In large companies, sales managers can tackle budgeting, employee reviews and training; at smaller firms, they may conduct sales calls themselves in addition to their other responsibilities.
Top Earning Industries for Jobs


Software Applications: $122,524-$251,611
Retail/Wholesale Distribution: $91,422-$244,936
Regional Sales Manager:

Chemical Manufacturing: $66,384-$100,901
Food Manufacturing: $60,099-$95,719
General Operations Manager:

Manufacturing and Distribution: $53,072-$94,542
Construction: $52,060-$91,762
How Do I Find Online Executive MBA Programs?

Since Executive MBAs are geared toward working business professionals, a large proportion of these programs are available fully or partially online. The best place to start searching for online Executive MBA programs is the AACSB website. Rest your cursor over the “accreditation” tab and click on “accredited institutions” to browse a complete list of such schools. For rankings check out:

The Wall Street Journal
Bloomberg Businessweek
The Online Education Database
Online schools listed on the database are ranked on metrics such as graduation and retention rates and student-to-faculty ratio.

Additional Resources:

Businessweek’s Latest News on MBA Developments
The Wall Street Journal’s Top Executive MBA Programs
American Management Association

Where to get your mba online

Your post-MBA success depends largely on your pre-MBA choice and there are a number of important things to consider before filling out that application. Here are some tips on how you should go about identifying the right school.
What qualifications are you after?

Your reasons for pursuing an MBA may differ – a change of professional venue, gaining an advantage in a rather tough market, a bigger salary or a better job placement. Yet, before you get down to filling out those applications, there is one important question that you should ask yourself. What qualifications do you want to acquire? Making a realistic and a clear-sightedassessment of the professional skills that you want to develop or improve will help you gain a clearer vision of your future career track.

The majority of MBA candidates have 5 to 10 years of professional experience on their CV and career plans do come foremost when they get down to choosing a business school. Some, for example, are happy with their job but still want to add value to their services by moving up the career chain and a part-time MBA often proves to be the best route for them. Others have already reached a managerial level and are good at what they do, yet the fact that they can juggle tasks blindfolded has turned into a demotivating factor. They have lost interest in their job and they see a change of career functions as a way out of the impasse. For them, a local fulltime MBA with their company endorsement may be the best option. Finally, there are those that fall into the ‘total makeover’ category. They aspire to a clean start, a new professional venue, a complete change of company or sector. They want to move out and move on with their career and the best choice for them could be a well-known full time MBA programme with an active network of alumni in an international environment.

Faculty matters

Once you’ve decided on an MBA programme you should look into the background of its faculty. Good-quality education depends primarily on the calibre of the university’s faculty members. Most top business schools boast a ‘team’ of world-renowned professors with diverse interests and expertise. Their faculty is very much a part of the real-life business world and will bring a range of important and useful topics to the classroom – from accounting to strategic management. The easiest way to find out if a school’s faculty meets your expectations is by visiting its websites – all universities have detailed profiles of thei permanent or visiting staff. Full-time programmes might have faculty members well known for their research in a particular area of expertise, while part-time programmes might have visiting professors who are pro-active business leaders in a particular sector. Furthermore, schools create their own structures that combine management theory and business practice. The Manchester Business School, for example, has developed the Manchester Method, a learning structure that produces positive results and has pushed MBS up in the rankings.

Networking and alumni

A good business school should provide you with access to a network of MBA students, alumni, faculty, and business and community leaders, which can be very useful when beginning a job search, developing a career path, building business relationships in your current career or pursuing expertise outside your current field. Quality business universities pride themselves on their high graduate placement rates. A careful study of career placement activity is therefore essential, especially where some business schools have higher success rates at placing their graduates in certain regions or companies than others. A candidate who wants to work in Europe post-MBA, for example, might think twice before applying to a school in the USA. It may also be a good idea to check out what career assistance the university offers – if it focuses on honing your management skills; if it introduces you to recruiters for big companies or provides you with detailed information about salary expectations in certain sectors.

Talking to alumni is always helpful. An international alumni network is critical if you are a global mover and shaker, but a nationally-based network could be just as critical to someone who is forging a career in a defined market. By talking with graduates before you apply, you are in a better position to know which type of network will suit you. You can also judge the quality of a business school by the profile of its graduates – their career tracks and their professional growth. Be ‘on the alert’ if you are not satisfied with the university’s alumni profile (also available on the school’s website).

Location is a factor

A university may have top-notch facilities and highly renowned academic staff and still be the wrong choice for you. Research shows that location is a prime factor when it comes down to picking a business school. Make sure that you are comfortable with the geographic area in which the university is located. For example, if you are bound by family or otherwise you may opt for a school that is closer to home. If, on the other hand, you are looking for an international and diverse milieu as well as new cultural experiences, an overseas MBA may be a good option. The industry you want to work for may also determine your choice of university location. If finance and investments are your prime interests, then you’ll be advised to choose a university in one of the cities where the markets are based – New York, London, Frankfurt, Paris and Tokyo. It is important that you pick the geographic area that best fits your needs as you are likely to spend longer than two years there – a large number of MBA graduates decide to stay and pursue their career within the area of their alma mater.


If you have decided to cross ‘the point of no return’ and change your career completely or if you want to stay within the same industry but change the location, a full time MBA programme may be the best choice for you. This kind of format requires full commitment, but returns on the investment are also guaranteed. The part-time MBA is for those who want to advance their careers (without changing their professional venue and starting from scratch) but cannot afford to take ‘leave of absence’. To sum up – a full-time programme is designed for career changers, while the part-time option is designed for career enhancers. You can also choose between a 12, 15, 18 or 22-month programme. The different length is determined by the pace and intensity of the teaching process.


Rankings inform perspective students about a university’s or a business school’s prestige. They are a good starting point when searching for a suitable alma mater and may give you a good idea of the global MBA market. However, you should bear in mind that there can be large variations in the different rankings published, depending on the source used (the Financial Times or the Economist Intelligence Unit in the UK, or Business Week and the Wall Street Journal in the USA) or the methodologies applied. So how should you go about ‘reading’ the available rankings? First of all you should stay critical – do not take rankings at their face value but rather match them against your own personal needs and goals. Always read the survey methodology, i.e. how the data is collected and presented (publications such as The Financial Times, The Economist, Business Week, US News & World Report give extensive details about their methodologies on their websites). You are also advised to look at ranges – collect the publications of a particular ranking over several consecutive years and focus on MBA programmes that show consistency. Also look into the university’s connections to local industries – many business schools have strong ties to important local companies and these ties often translate into employment opportunities for the graduates of these schools. And remember – look for what is best for you, rather than which business school ranks first.

Return on investment and cost efficiency

Today, the MBA remains the most ‘lucrative’ of degrees. Statistics show that the return on investment is quite rapid for the majority of graduates, with the average return being three to six years – for example, students graduating from Insead’s campuses in Fontainebleau and Singapore earned average salaries of $148,490, an increase of 108 percent on their pre-MBA salaries. An MBA degree is undoubtedly a major investment and many students incur debts to pay for their one or two-year education. However, they do get their money’s worth in the long run – not only do they hone their knowledge and qualifications but they also build a network of useful professional relationships. Finally, the ROI coefficient has non-financial benefits that should not be neglected – an MBA degree is bound to increase your professionalism, help you develop your potential, and teach you how to manage your work/life balance.

What’s next?

Once you you’ve gone through all seven steps and identified your goals, career priorities and expectations you should find it easy to pick the right MBA programme. Choosing the business school that best meets your needs is indeed crucial to earning the degree that will add the most value to your life – personally and professionally. In order to best match your criteria to the available ranking lists you may want to visit the Access MBA Fairs, as well as use the Access MBA search tool for MBA programmes. And if you find this seven-step self-analysis a bit frustrating, just remember that all your efforts will be rewarded in the long run.

Design your MBA

It is indeed much more likely that you will be able to structure and design your own curriculum in a smaller, lower-profile programme, rather than in the bigger programmes. If you know exactly what you wish to achieve and are determined not to be diverted from your path, look for an environment which will allow you to do just that. It might be in a very unexpected place. So, there is more to the MBA than just the brand. If remaining in or going to the UK is better for your finances than moving overseas for two years, and will still provide you with a top MBA degree, then maybe it is not a hard choice to make. If choosing the Middle East over Europe might open up more work opportunities for you in the future in a region you find exciting, then maybe this is your match. It would be a useful two years during which to test the market yourself, and if you do not like it, you will still have a precious MBA degree under your belt.

Keeping your future options in mind is key to choosing your MBA programme. Indeed, choosing any school in the top three list in your own country or from the top 100 rankings, would be a fantastic achievement as, believe it or not, there are more than 5,000 MBA programmes available worldwide.

miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2015

Online MBA Degree you must first understand exactly what the MBA

center> Before making a commitment to pursue an MBA, you must first understand exactly what the MBA as well as whether the program is appropriate degree for you. It offers a Master of Business Administration, or a master’s degree in business administration, and higher education in basic skills such as accounting, finance, marketing and business management practices. It is often useful to choose the degree for professionals who need access to higher education to achieve their career goals and climbing stairs for companies working in business management.Students can specialize degrees in a variety of fields such as health and sports management. A multidisciplinary approach to learning does not mean only MBA programs to deepen students’ understanding of business administration, but also to develop critical thinking and analytical skills and problem solving skills.
A Brief History of the MBA Degree
Although institutions of higher education in various parts of the world now offers master’s programs in business administration, this kind of America was born and raised. First Faculty of Graduate School of Management and the Tuck School of Business Administration, established in 1900 at Dartmouth College. According to the school site, and the original was a graduate of the Faculty of Business Administration to grant a master’s degree in commercial sciences, which later became known as the master’s program in business administration. This idea of teaching business management graduate in 1908 and quickly captured, and the Harvard School of Advanced Studies in Business Administration enrolled 80 students in the first Masters program in Business Administration, according to its website. Over the years, it has grown Masters programs in Business Administration in the number and scope of the topic.The MBA Today

There are different types of Master of Business Administration available through business schools over the Internet. Designed most common type of MBA students the center of the professional interests of traditional business functions. This offer MBA such concentrations of finance and accounting, marketing, human resources, economics and business administration.
A student who wants to make his mark in the specialty of a particular business, and is not a MBA with emphasis in areas such as international sports management and electronic entertainment. Those who want to focus on the development of some of the qualities or learn about a particular approach to work can choose concentrations as entrepreneurship, leadership, and e-commerce, health services, or Six Sigma.
The goal of most business professionals is to get the position of the administration and effective management of the organization within a certain period of great industry knowledge about what is required. The Master of Business Administration Management to help professionals in the development of its industry expertise in areas such as health, entertainment, information technology and design of the supply chain. There are also concentrations of MBA students who want to become experts in a particular area of ​​operations, such as management, organization, project or risk the world.
For those that focus on change in a particular area, and there is no concentration in the field of criminal justice, and the management of education, health and technology. Master programs in Business Administration has much to offer for someone who wants to specialize in a particular field of health care with a focus such as health information technology, health services, and management of health care, and management of health care and nursing. Technology is the other big area for master’s programs in business administration, with many of the schools that offer concentrations in computer and information technology systems, networking, security and management technology.
Then there is the Executive Master in Business Administration, which aims to increase career factor. Usually it aimed at professionals EMBA made with several years of work experience. The program consists of refresher courses in business management as well as technical categories that focus on the development of leadership qualities and communication skills and problem solving skills.
What an MBA Can Do for You

There are many benefits of getting a master’s degree in business administration, with one of the most important opportunities and increasing employment in business administration. The Council of Graduate Management Admission of 2,011 graduates of the study said that 93 percent of respondents said they were working and 55 percent reported satisfaction with great career advancement since the completion of the management of education.
Not only MBA graduates have better job options, and they make more money than people who have not been granted degree. Graduates who graduated in 2010, seven in 10 said that wages were starting either much or more than expected, and the average starting salary of $ 78,820. Of all graduates who responded to the survey, the average starting salary of $ 94,542.
MBA job in usa

If you are still wondering whether to go back to school to get a master’s degree in business administration from your must consider the following: Although undergraduate degree and work experience are the goods, which are of great value in any appeal, and They can teach graduate assures employers that you have the knowledge, capacity and motivation required of you in the highest position. MBA gives you credibility and discrimination that can not be achieved in the single job. Taking course work at the graduate level in business administration prepare you to work in a wide range of industries, and automatically increase the number of positions you qualify. It is recognized as a Master of Business Administration in most countries a decent job and opens up a world of career opportunities for certificate holders of such securities.

Eight reasons why an MBA

Acquiring his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) is especially important in difficult economic times. The dean of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania MBA considers "one of the best tools that a business person can have." Dean Thomas Robertson feels that the MBA not only gives you an advantage in the global market traders, but also taught to be adaptable in an economy where career switching and constant change are the norm, not the exception.

Still, why make the leap to the time and cost of a traditional MBA program or online? Here are eight reasons why I do it.

You can advance your career.

If your current career is set to lower shape their skills and interests, one of the benefits of an MBA program is that it allows you the flexibility to explore your options and provides you with the training you need to change careers. If you are satisfied with your current line of business, a master's in business administration can prepare you to move towards a managerial position within your field.
You will earn more

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) reported in its 2013 Alumni Perspectives Survey that the average annual salary for MBA graduates was $ 100,000. Former students of MBA also reported that recovered an average of one third of its financial investment in your MBA program immediately after graduation, and with a return of 100 percent after four years.
You could receive payment from your employer training

As the current marketplace evolves and becomes increasingly complex, many employers are choosing to balance their need to retain good employees with their need to fill managerial positions with candidates who possess the knowledge and skills of advanced level. They are doing this by sending selected employees to business school and paying the bill.
You can use their education to start their own business

If you are interested in starting your own business, but I'm not sure that you have the necessary experience to launch a start-up in a high-growth industry, an MBA can prepare for you to do everything from writing a business plan for the acquisition of venture capital to launch an initial public offering. Research has shown that the failure rate for small businesses started by the MBA is about 50 percent less than the standard failure rate.

You will develop your understanding of the business

An MBA program will put you on the fast track to promotion that offers you the opportunity to develop a wide range of general business knowledge and a broad base of expertise in a relatively short period of time, unlike the years long process of trial and error that tends to characterize the knowledge and skill learning collected in the workplace.

You could become a leader in an emerging field

The recent proliferation of "niche" Master of Business Administration programs mean you can not just look at the business school for a solid grounding in the basics, but also for innovative education that can lead to an exciting career in a emerging field, such as brand management, telecommunications or information technology, electronic commerce, mobile, just to name a few.

You could get network resources

Networking is another key benefit. Teaching styles Business School foster teamwork, and in the course of an MBA program, you'll develop important relationships that can serve well through his business career. And no matter the school, often you can get connected to a network of alumni working in a wide range of companies. This is useful for mentoring, job search and professional contacts.

You'll enjoy greater job security

MBA graduates are desirable in any job market; an MBA will give you the opportunities you need to advance in the business world.
Now that you understand the benefits of getting your MBA, it's time to start learning what type of MBA program fit in with your lifestyle.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

the worls s best mba business schools most sought in 2015

Por Susan Adams

For the 2017 generation of Harvard Business School students submitted 9,686 request. The HBS accepted 11% of them, and 937 decided to attend. HBS students pay a high price. The annual tuition exceeds $ 61.000 and the cost for one year of the MBA program two years reached 98,400, bringing the total for Harvard MBA is about 200,000. That, not counting the lost wages of those who stop working for two years.

But students are betting that the title will bear fruit. And the numbers back them up. The HBS reports that 93% of 2014 graduates seeking employment generation received offers three months after finishing school. These graduates are paid handsomely. Their median starting salary base was $ 125,000 at least 65% of that group got an average salary bonus of $ 25,000 and 20% received other guaranteed 34,700 compensation, which means that some of the graduates of the master Harvard this year, they are making at least $ 184.700.

A new list published by LTG Exam, a company dedicated to the preparation of applicants for entrance exams reveals, not surprisingly, that Harvard MBA program has the most coveted in the world. Exam LTG figures come from about 5,000 users who are preparing for GMATs (short for General Admission Test direction) using the app company, Prep4GMAT, allowing them to study at their own pace and connect with live tutors if they wish. Users rated their top five business school options. In the latest Forbes ranking of the best business schools, Harvard also ranked first.

Today MBA aspirant may not realize that the degree is a relatively recent invention in higher education. Harvard University dates back to 1636, but the business school only started in 1908, when, according to the school, offered the world's first MBA program. (There were other business schools that preceded it, as ESCP Europe, which was founded in 1819 and has campuses in five European cities like Paris and London and Wharton, the first business school in the US, founded in 1888.)

Harvard is also known for its dozens of extremely successful graduates, including billionaire Michael Bloomberg, Sheryl Sandberg, the titan of hedge funds Bill Ackman and former President George W. Bush.

Second in the Forbes list and LTG Exam it is the Stanford Business School, which costs more than Harvard, $ 103.419 a year to the incoming class. As graduates of the HBS, Stanford alumni are highly demanded in the labor market. Of the 2014 class members seeking employment, 95% had achieved one three months after graduation, with an average compensation of $ 125,000. For those who received both signing bonuses and other guaranteed compensation, the average total came to $ 181.500. Stanford, which was founded in 1925, this year has a total enrollment of 809 students.

The Sloan School of Management at MIT placed third in the list of LTG Exam, despite ranking tenth in the list of Forbes. The cost is comparable to Harvard, $ 98.014, as its employment statistics. Among the class of 2014, 94.6% of job seekers received a job three months after graduation. The average base salary for graduates of Sloan was only slightly lower than Harvard and Stanford, to $ 124.400. Sloan has its origins in 1914, when a business course was founded in the engineering school who later became the business school, which now has 1,300 students.

Although the three schools in the top of the list are no surprise, a number of schools among the top 25 and even 10, which were unknown to me. Since LTG Exam app is used in 193 countries, including the wishes of an international group of students.

Fourth is a school of which he had never heard of the Indian School of Business. I found it in a list published by the Financial Times, ranked at 33 (Forbes ranks schools only EU). The school was founded in 1996 by two executives from McKinsey, Rajat Gupta and Anil Kumar, who led a group of consultants during startup. Kumar Wharton recruited as an ally in the US and Gupta drew the Kellogg Business School at Northwestern. The institute is located in the city of Hyderabad, where he built its campus in 1999. The website of the ISB in dozens of graduates ready to entrepreneurs from their classrooms, as Anish Sonal, the generation of 2002, which provides business intelligence through its company Orkash Services, and Bijaei Jayaraj, who runs a firm customer loyalty system called Loylty Rewardz.

The University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) is next in the list of LTG, followed by the London Business School, but no other campus seventh Indian new to me, the Indian Institute of Management, number 26 on the list of FT. Founded in 1961, it is a public school based in Ahmedabad, in the state of Gujarat. It is one of the nine campuses of the IIM in India, and has some alumni of quality, as Ajay Singh Banga, president and CEO of Mastercard, and the late Guru CK Prahalad, a professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan who wrote the influential book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, on models designed to serve the world's poorest people business. It also was not familiar with the Jain School of Management AP, which has campuses in Sydney, Mumbai, Singapore and Dubai.

The costs of some of the foreign schools on the list are significantly lower than those in US schools. Example: The Indian School of Business charges about $ 40,000 a year. Their employment statistics are impressive, from 884 deals for a class of 766. Laos costs business schools of the National University of Singapore around $ 66,000 but because connections you do in business school can be as valuable as the subjects studied, if you speak English and you can raise the money to attend a US school, I would recommend you to do it.

This is the complete list of the 25 most popular schools business users LTG Exam:

1 Harvard
2 Stanford
3 Sloan School of Management (MIT)
4 Indian School of Business
5 Wharton (University of Pennsylvania)
6 London Business School
7 Indian Institute of Management
8 Columbia
10 NYU Stern (New York University)
11 University of Oxford
12 Yale
13 Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern)
14 University of Chicago Booth School of Business
15 Haas School of Business (University of California, Berkeley)
16 National University of Singapore
18 Tepper School of Business (Carnegie Mellon)
19 University of Cambridge
20 HEC Paris
21 Boston College
22 Imperial College London
23 Duke University
24 USC Marshall School of Business

25 SP Jain School of Global Management

The best MBA of Spain and the world in 2015 ( ranking)

For six years , the prestigious Financial Times ( FT ) prepares an annual ranking of the best MBAs in the world. New listing for 2015 maintains the leadership of Harvard Business School but brings surprises in second place , this time occupied by the London Business School , which has snatched the position to the Stanford Graduate School of Business , which has fallen to fourth place . In Spain , the IESE MBA remains the best master the country's business and seventh at world level .

In the top 20 are cast three schools of Spanish business this year . The most internationally recognized : IESE Business School and IE Business School ( up one place to twelfth place ) , they are accompanied this year by ESADE Business School , which scales up to 19th place worldwide .

How to grow my salary after getting an MBA ?

The ranking is made in response to a variety of factors, including gender diversity and the degree of internationalization of its students, but the heaviest element is the salary. Thus, a Harvard student earns, on average, $ 179,910 ($ PPP) three years after graduation, 96% more than before to do the MBA.

The wage increase in the case of the Spanish schools is 121% for the IESE (earn on average $ 145,000 to three years) and 104% for IE ($ 152,285).

Although valued and prestigious, the FT MBA itself recognizes that they are no longer the fastest way to achieve a wage increase as they once were. Despite the recovery of economic growth, the financial profitability of completing a full-time MBA has fallen in the last three years and while still a graduate can expect to double his salary, the average increase in income has fallen by almost a third since the heyday of qualifying.

This is true in the United States, which has 50 of the 100 business schools in the world, where there is a "growing disaffection with the rating by employers and potential students," says the newspaper.

Last year, several schools closed second level full-time training programs because the applications had fallen. And hopefully there will be more this year, says the dean of the Michigan Ross Business School at Ft. "The market segment that enjoys good health is very small," he adds.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Online MBA in Marketing

These marketing MBA programs integrate the processes and procedures essential to business with the study of the dynamic field of marketing. An online MBA in marketing emphasizes the practices on which all businesses operate such as administration, finance, accounting and management. They also explore how marketing affects business plans, customer base and selling strategies.

What Does an Online MBA in Marketing Cover?

Given that marketing plays a vital role in business success, it is a popular specialization within MBA programs.

These programs will give you a thorough understanding of how to create effective marketing and business plans. They involve much of the same curriculum as a traditional MBA program, but with an emphasis on marketing studies, often including online marketing techniques. Through various assignments, projects, reports and presentations you will learn how to conduct marketing research, devise strategies and implement plans.

These online marketing programs typically require students to complete 48 to 51 credits, which usually takes one to three years to finish depending on previous education, business course work and enrollment status. The first half of the online marketing MBA will consist of core courses focused on business operations, policy and strategy; business ethics and law; customer relationship management; accounting and finance; business communication; and business and managerial economics. These classes are meant to help you understand how businesses operate and specific functions within a corporate environment.

The second half of the program integrates advanced courses that center on the role of marketing and how it is utilized to support and generate profitability. Classes may include integrative marketing strategies, brand management, business-to-business marketing, consumer and buyer behavior, marketing channels and logistics, marketing promotion and communication, market research, customer data analysis and relationship marketing.

Getting Into a Marketing MBA Program

Those who are interested in pursuing an online MBA in marketing need an undergraduate degree from an accredited school. Students who did not major in business will need basic business and mathematical skills, as well as having taken at least two marketing courses before applying. Those who did not earn a bachelor’s degree in business may be asked to complete several courses before submitting an application, including:

College Algebra
Foundations of Business
Marketing Principles
A minimum undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 is typically necessary for entry into online MBA in marketing programs. Some schools, such as Northeastern University, also require letters of recommendation, application essays, GMAT scores and resumes.

Who Should Pursue an Online Marketing MBA?

If you are interested in the field of business and have a desire to take a hands-on role in generating customers who will support ventures, you should look into earning an online marketing MBA. This degree will provide you with the necessary credentials to work your way up in the marketing department as well as help you develop the skills essential to building a successful career in this field, creating offline and online marketing campaigns.

Why Should I Get an AACSB Accredited Marketing MBA?

Only those online marketing MBA programs that are accredited by a respected association are likely to impress employers. One of the most well known is the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, which approves only those business schools that provide a quality education.

What Jobs Can an MBA Marketing Online Get Me?

International Marketing Manager: International marketing managers work to promote a company’s products and services in a global marketplace, often also in online marketing. They are responsible for estimating consumer demand for current products and services and identifying the need for new ones. To do this they must be able to identify potential foreign markets, monitor international trends and develop marketing strategies. These types of managers also help develop pricing strategies to increase profits and market share. Their job requires that they be able to work closely with other managers in sales, advertising, promotions and product development. Employment of marketing managers will increase 12 percent by 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. Salaries of international marketing managers range from $63,004 to $119,739 a year, according to PayScale.
Marketing Specialists: Marketing specialists assist in the development and design of marketing programs to promote products and services. Typical duties include creating sales presentations, designing communication materials, coordinating project activities, and compiling reports on market trends, pricing, competitors and new products. Marketing specialists often work closely with marketing managers and directors as well as others within the sales, development and promotions departments. The employment of these types of specialists is projected to increase 24 percent by 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The annual average salaries of marketing specialists range from $31,503 to $61,453, PayScale reports.
Marketing Consultants: Marketing consultants develop and implement plans to help companies enhance their business and increase their profitability. To provide their consulting services, they meet with an organization’s advertising and promotions departments to identify specific goals, objectives and needs related to products and services. They then combine this information with their marketing expertise to create strategies that will expand consumer bases, enhance product development and motivate customers to buy. Typical duties may include evaluating current procedures, researching consumer behavior, identifying market trends, creating strategic plans and managing marketing procedures. Employment within the consulting services field is projected to increase by 84 percent by 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Annual salaries of marketing consultants range from $29,300 to $102,444, Payscale reports.
Top Earning Industries for Jobs

International Marketing Manager:
Financial Services: $51,688-$82,477
Information Technology Services: $48,830-$79,621
Marketing Specialist:

Legal Services: $38,978-$65,622
Information Technology Services: $39,824-$56,284
Marketing Consultant:

Consultancy: $55,000-$87,898
Insurance and Financial Services: $51,035-$83,337
How Do I Find Online Marketing MBA Programs?

Rankings are a good indicator of a program’s quality and can help you identify which online Marketing MBA schools fit your needs. Rankings can be found in:

These publications rank the top rated colleges and universities as well as the programs that they offer. Online marketing MBA rankings are usually based on factors such as academic quality, student selectivity, student-to-faculty ratio, graduation rate and post-graduation outcome.

These search tools can also be helpful:

Best Biz Schools
University Directory
National Center for Education Statistics’ College Navigator
Additional Resources:

Businessweek’s Latest News on MBA Developments
American Management Association

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

How to Choose a Quality MBA Program

If you’ve made the decision to earn an MBA, it’s paramount that you choose a high-quality program, one that will provide you with a solid business education, valuable academic experience and impressive professional credentials. Consider the following factors:


The most important thing to look for is a program that is accredited by a respected business organization. These groups thoroughly examine business schools and programs to determine whether they meet academic standards. In the world of business education, there are three well-known accrediting organizations that are recognized by the U.S. Council for Higher Education Accreditation, the U.S. Department of Education or both.

The most prestigious group is the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, which was founded in 1916 and is the oldest business school accreditor. The association has granted AACSB accreditation to 620 member institutions in 38 countries, according to its website.

The second group, the Accreditation Council for Business Schools & Programs, has been dedicated to its mission of promoting excellence in business education since its inception in 1988. Even though ACBSP is fairly young, it accredits 529 campuses and more than 700 MBA programs, according to its website.

The International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, formed in 1997, is the newest of the three accrediting groups. IACBE accredits business programs and colleges and universities worldwide that demonstrate characteristics of excellence, with more than 230 member educational institutions in more than 20 countries, its website says.


When it comes to an online MBA program, the importance of esteemed faculty members who are experienced, educated and innovative cannot be underestimated. Students should be wary of a program in which instructors act more as course managers doing administrative work than actually teaching. Ideally, there should be little to no difference between online and on-campus instructors when it comes to education levels, academic background and professional experience. MBA program faculty members are usually required to have a graduate-level education, professional work experience in an area relevant to business and a specialization or expertise in the course they are instructing. Additionally, online instructors have the added challenge of having to teach students using nontraditional methods, which means they have to make an extra effort to engage and motivate. Therefore, it is also extremely important that faculty members of online MBA programs are tech savvy as they will be required to use a variety of Internet tools to create lessons, direct discussions, distribute information and manage assignments. Once you find a program that you are interested in, spend some time researching the educational and professional backgrounds of faculty members. If you are unable to find enough information, don’t be afraid to contact the school and ask what credentials the online instructors possess and what training they have had to teach successfully in a virtual learning environment.


Quality online MBA programs will consist of the same, or extremely similar, curriculum as that of on-campus ones. Most programs consist of the same assignments, readings, research and activities as their on-campus counterparts. This ensures that there is little difference in education between the traditional and online student. Remember that earning an MBA online doesn’t mean less work, and sometimes may require even more academically from students in terms of activities as they are not required to be present for class time. You can check whether the quality of an online MBA program is the same as that of an on-campus one by comparing the two formats’ required courses, major projects, materials, assignments and examinations.


Considering that an online MBA program is delivered completely electronically, technology is a key aspect to consider. A high-quality program will take advantage of the most recent technological advances and utilize them to enhance the virtual learning experience. Most programs will be facilitated through a virtual classroom where students can conduct school related activities such as accessing course materials, turning in assignments, streaming instructional videos, participating in discussions, responding to lessons and keeping track of grades. It’s important that these systems have a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and navigate, as well as an overall design that encourages interactivity, participation and communication. Many schools will let you take a look at the type of software, systems or other technological tools that are used in their online programs to help you decide whether they will provide you with an adequate learning experience.


Each year various reputable publications, websites and organizations release their lists of annual college rankings. These rankings are designed to show how academic institutions stack up against one another in terms of faculty, instruction, reputation and student mix. While each publication or organization uses its own methodology to determine ranking placement, common factors include student selectivity, quality of faculty, curriculum, methods of instruction, student satisfaction and employment outcomes. Students shouldn’t choose a school on rankings alone, but they can be a useful tool when comparing MBA programs. A higher-ranked business school may be more likely to provide you with a quality education than one that is not ranked at all. Our next section will tell you more about MBA rankings.

Is an MBA Right for Someone Without a Business Degree?

You don’t have to have an undergraduate degree in business to pursue graduate school in the field. Almost all majors are acceptable preparation because an MBA is considered a professional degree, meaning that it is designed to equip individuals for higher-level positions by focusing on the practical side of business management.

MBA programs take an interdisciplinary approach to education, combining various types of business courses to help students develop advanced skills required in management positions. These degree programs are designed for professionals who already have a few years of work experience and want to advance their careers. MBA programs provide students with an educational tool set that is highly applicable in just about any career they may consider.

The Development of Skills

Although students in MBA programs receive a foundational business education, much of the course work focuses on the development of essential skills and abilities. Why is this? Because when communication, leadership and organizational abilities are combined with critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, the result is a qualified professional who is ready to take on the responsibilities of almost any position. Even though the intellectual knowledge gained in an academic degree program is important, when it comes to navigating through the world of business, it’s how you apply that learning that counts. Perhaps this is one reason why MBA programs are open to individuals of all educational backgrounds.

Multiple Paths to an MBA

When it comes to applying for an MBA program, there is no single path that determines acceptance, and each school has different ideas about appropriate academic preparation. Minimum qualifications for students applying to MBA programs can vary, but a bachelor’s degree is always a requirement for acceptance. Business schools take many things into consideration when it comes to who qualifies for enrollment into their MBA programs.

There are schools that favor applicants who majored in a technical field such as science or engineering, while others may prefer a student with a liberal arts major, such as English, philosophy or a foreign language. Still others may look for applicants who had a career-oriented major such as consumer merchandising, journalism or advertising. Many programs prefer applicants who have already begun careers and have some professional work experience. Still, given the versatility of an MBA program, it may not matter at all what your major was in college as long as you received a broad, well-rounded education in which you developed quantitative and analytical skills. Some schools may not consider students’ previous education so much as their GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) scores. This standardized examination is used to measure aptitude and predict applicants’ potential for success in a management education program.

Catching Up to Business Majors

Applicants with an undergraduate degree in a business-related field are more likely to have completed the necessary course prerequisites than non-business majors, sparing them from having to take additional classes before they can begin an MBA program. Such courses may include mathematics, statistics, economics, finance, accounting, marketing and management. Prerequisite requirements ensure that students are adequately prepared for and possess the basic business skills necessary to succeed in an MBA program.

Diversity in MBA Education

The MBA is often referred to as one of the most versatile degrees because it can be applied to many fields and pursued by people with various backgrounds. Diversity is a key characteristic of MBA student populations. A study conducted by the U.S. Department of Education found that MBA students in the United States were the most diverse of all those in graduate programs. MBA students come from all walks of life, professional experiences and educational backgrounds. They choose to obtain an MBA for a variety of reasons as well.

First, an MBA program can provide people with essential leadership, organizational and management skills relevant to all professions. It can make them better managers, directors, executives and business owners, as well as give them that extra credential needed to be promoted to lucrative positions. According to College Board’s Education Pays 2010, professional degree holders such as MBAs had median annual earnings of $100,000 compared with $67,300 for those with a master’s and $55,700 for those with a bachelor’s.

No matter what your background, you can put it to good use in an MBA program. The world of business is full of industries, fields, products and services that need professional experts. The varied backgrounds of MBA degree holders are beneficial as each person offers something different regarding ideas, plans, strategies and ventures. So an MBA might be right for you even if you don’t have an undergraduate business degree.

MBA Programs That Make The Most Sense For You

Before you make the commitment to earn an MBA, you must first understand exactly what an MBA is, as well as whether it’s the right degree program for you. An MBA, or a Master of Business Administration, provides a graduate education in foundational business practices, such as accounting, finance, marketing and management. It is often a beneficial degree choice for working professionals who need to obtain additional education to reach their career goals and climb the corporate ladders of business administration.

Students can specialize the degree in fields as diverse as health care and sports management. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to learning, MBA programs are not only meant to deepen students’ understanding of business management, but also to further develop their critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills.

A Brief History of the MBA

Although institutions of higher education around the world now offer MBA programs, this degree is American born and bred. The first graduate school of management, the Tuck School of Business, was founded in 1900 at Dartmouth College. According to the school’s website, it was the original graduate business school to award the Master of Commercial Science degree, which later became known as the Master of Business Administration. This idea of a graduate business education quickly caught on and in 1908, the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration enrolled 80 students in the first ever MBA program, according to its website. Throughout the years, MBA programs have grown in number and range of subject matter.

The MBA Today

There are various types of MBAs available through online business schools. The most common type of MBA is designed for students whose professional interests center on traditional business functions. These MBAs offer such concentrations as finance, accounting, marketing, human resources, economics and business administration.

For the student who wants to make his or her mark in a particular business specialization, there are MBAs with concentrations in areas such as international, sports management, entertainment and electronic. Those who would rather focus on developing certain qualities or learning about a particular approach within business can choose such concentrations as entrepreneurship, leadership, e-commerce, health care, or six sigma.

The goal of most business professionals is to obtain a management position, and to effectively manage an organization within a particular industry substantial knowledge about it is necessary. Management MBAs are designed to help professionals develop their industry expertise in such areas as health care, hospitality, IT and supply chain. There are also MBA concentrations for those students who want to become experts within a certain area of management such as operations, organizational, project, risk or global.

For those who would rather focus on a certain field, there are concentrations in criminal justice, education administration, health care and technology. MBA programs have much to offer to someone who wants to specialize within a certain area of health care with concentrations such as health information technology, health services, health care administration, health care management and nursing. Technology is another big area for MBA programs, with many schools offering concentrations in computer systems, information technology, network administration and security, and technology management.

And then there is the Executive MBA, which is designed to augment the working professional’s career. The EMBA is typically geared toward accomplished professionals with several years of work experience. The program consists of refresher courses on functional business administration as well as classes that focus on the development of leadership qualities, networking abilities and problem-solving skills.

What an MBA Can Do for You

There are many benefits of getting your MBA, with the most significant one being greater employment opportunities in business administration. In a Graduate Management Admission Council 2011 Alumni Survey, 93 percent of respondents said that they were employed and 55 percent reported significant satisfaction with career progress since finishing their management education.

Not only do MBA graduates have better employment options, they also earn more money than people who haven’t been awarded the degree. Of the alumni who graduated in 2010, 7 out of 10 reported that their starting salaries were either as much or more than they expected, with a median starting salary of $78,820. Out of all the alumni who responded to the survey, the median starting salary was $94,542.

If you are still asking yourself whether you should go back to school to earn your MBA, consider the following: Although a bachelor’s degree and work experience are invaluable commodities on any resume, a graduate-level education can guarantee employers that you have the knowledge, abilities and motivation that will be demanded of you in a higher-level position. An MBA gives you credibility and distinction that cannot be earned in the workplace alone. Taking graduate level course work in business administration will prepare you to work in a wide range of industries, automatically increasing the number of positions for which you are qualified. MBAs are recognized in most countries as respected business credentials, opening up a world of career opportunities for such degree holders.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Forex MBA , the better chance

and selling currency or in this case USD. If the EUR / USD moves higher exchange rate , as was expected, the trader can now sell the EUR / USD at a higher price . The difference represents profit for trader was long, or has bought EUR / USD. Buy and Sell currencies What exactly lousted buy or sell when you make a foreign currency transaction ? Actually , you are both actions , buying and selling currencies simultaneously. A purchase transaction of EUR / USD 1.2000 is actually buying euros and selling dollars at 1.2000 cents. If the euro in value against the dollar.

prices will increase and the investor . Bid / Ask Price Like in stocks, currencies have a purchase price and sale price. The sales price is the value which the broker will . The purchase price is the value at which the broker will sell. The purchase price is always lower sales . This makes logical sense as the broker , like any investor , wants low and sell high . The difference between the purchase price and is called Spread . For example , prices for buying and selling could be 1.2050 / 1.2055 . In this case the spread is 5 points . The spreads on major currency pairs can be 2-3 pips. Some less liquid currencies will be slightly wider spread .

This reflects the relative liquidity and risk in the professional market for the currency pair involved . When trading forex, you begin to perceive what indicators are most important . As a rule, publications , inflation and interest rates are the most influence on the market. There are different strategies for intraday . No matter if you are exploiting market volatility or operating with events , learn to interpret economic data and improve the results of intraday transactions. 1. Load the input level Horner said principle tried to gather information on the systems capture the strong short-term trends.

That is, those who do not enter into the trends of well-established "professional " . The surprise was that this technique works at all. no one can spend 24 hours a day watching screens decide when to open position , an expert suggests that it is preferable to calculate an average. Indeed. If for example forgets a purchase (long) " , then the average of the four most recent low level and use it as your new entry price . " In contrast, if a sell signal skips "and the average of the last four top " and that its level of production . This technique is not always allowed to enter the market, will give you a second chance. 2.

Do not place your orders in a straight line The often "clean up " the market . Or in other words. You are the object of a game in banks go against them. In fact , banks can see how controls accumulate at certain price levels . And here , in psychology, because banks know that people often place their orders round figures. For example , 1.2200 or 0.7100 . And therefore know where the cleaning mass and how and when. For this reason, conventional levels Horner suggests freedom order . "We are in a position before or after Mass , but not her," he explains.

In fact, if you place your orders by psychological numbers or round numbers, " one stone" remains . Conditional orders 3. When entering the position immediately opened two very specific orders. First protection 'stop' and the other an order for a limited profit target value. But there do with conditional orders SAU type ; either cancels the other . Thus, two orders do and when one, the other has no effect . For example, if the protection reached its "unique" , the target profit order automatically canceled . What is not recommended in all cases is mental judgments use

Big dollars traded every hour of the day from anywhere in the world with the single market is open 24 hours a day - can take its share of large amounts of money with forex currency trading . Not, however , expect to get a large piece of billions of dollars are traded daily. Even without the million ordinary trader can make a profit on operations in a timely manner guided by good fundamental and technical . Learn how to trade Forex using information from various sources is the best way to become a successful long -term forex .

These are some tips that can help with activities most rewarding forex trading : 1. Do your homework . No wait to get the right answers if you do not do your homework . If you want to know the best way how to trade Forex , you have to devote energy and everything that you can about the market to plan for learning. There really is no excuse for neglecting the information on currency trading and currency markets , since many of resources - both free and paid - are available online . Even when you are actively negotiating

You should always do your research on all issues that affect the currency pairs that are negotiating. 2. Get professional advice. This is particularly useful for those are still finding way in how trading forex currencies. Find a mentor who will guide you through your learning experience and initial training exchange. Which beneficial to you and others involved in currency trading is that professional advice is available online anytime of the day. Make sure, however, that professional currency choose to consult a source of reliable information.

Having trading strategy. The most successful traders are those currencies continue their training strategies. These strategies often combine technical analysis and fundamental analysis. While some traders swear by using one of these in commercial activities, most trade experts say the best forex trading strategy combines both analysis. Reading of economic indicators help determine the demand for particular currency, while technical indicators show trends and help predict the direction in which Forex currency pairs will likely go. 4. Think long term.

sábado, 3 de octubre de 2015


CORRECTION: This story has been substantially updated since its original publication to reflect the fact that several business schools have come back to Poets&Quants to inform us of other MBA startups that met our criteria for inclusion.

You can debate until you’re blue in the face whether you need an MBA to start your own business. What you can’t debate is which business schools produce the startups that attract the most funding from top angel and venture capital investors.

Forget about evaluating a business school on the basis of its entrepreneurial center, the number of startup clubs on campus, or whether there’s a business plan competition or not. The most important issue is whether a business school can help nurture your idea along to the point that it can gain backing from the smart money.

Which schools really win on that basis? Our latest ranking of the top 100 MBA startups over the past five years or so is a good place to start. We tracked the business ideas founded or co-founded by MBA students at schools all over the world. The MBA programs that produced the most startups on our top 100 list–based on the amount of funding they received–are a fascinating lot for a bunch of reasons.


For one thing, the schools prove the old adage that brands matter. Sure, you can learn the business basics and how to craft a business plan anywhere. But the bigger the school name on your diploma, the more credibility it instantly commands when you have to pitch your idea to a group of skeptical investors. For another, the big brand schools, even when they are late to the entrepreneurship party, have vastly superior resources to throw at students who want to do a startup.

And finally, the alumni networks of these schools often are crucial to the success of MBA entrepreneurs. Alumni can provide seed funding, critical early stage advice, as well as early customer endorsements of a product or service. Those assets can prove far more valuable than the percentage of faculty or students active in entrepreneurial endeavors, or the number and reach of mentorship programs–attributes measured by other rankings of entrepreneurship programs.

Not surprisingly, perhaps, Harvard Business School and Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business duked it out for the top spot again. Harvard had a remarkable 40 of the top 100 startups on our list, to take first place yet again. Stanford, with the advantage of being in the middle of the Silicon Valley startup ecosystem, put up some impressive numbers, too, with 31 startups among the top 100, including the top three on the list. While the total was down from last’s year’s 32 new ventures, Stanford MBAs took smart advantage of their proximity to the VCs and angels on Sand Hill Rd. Startups from Stanford collectively raised more than $2 billion in funding, yet were still outdone by the HBS startups on the top 100 who raised more than $1.9 billion in funding.


The mammoth numbers raised by Stanford and Harvard prove investors are very willing to throw their support (and millions) behind a good idea.. Consider SoFi, the highly successful student loan company. The team of Stanford grads behind the financial services company has raised a whopping $399 million—more than any other startup on our Top 100 list–with the exception of another Stanford startup, Skybox Imaging, that was acquired by Google last year.

Also making good on investor money were startups from MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Last year the school was third with 10 startups. This year they are again in third place but with 13 startups. Additionally, the funding raised jumped from just over $189 million last year to more than $477 million this year. The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School also increased its representation on the list by one additional startup, giving the school sole possession of fourth place with five startups raising $381.6 million.

Davis Smith, who founded two top 100 Startups, dinda.com.br and outdoor gear and apparel company Cotopaxi, says the network he gained during his time at Wharton was a game changer in raising funding. “First, most VC partners are themselves MBAs,” Smith says. “Second, I was introduced to new networks. I gave a similar Powerpoint presentation before and after receiving my MBA. I raised about $4.5 million on the Powerpoint after I got my degree. I was the same person both times, but I just didn’t have the networks before the MBA.”


When it comes to MBA startups, it helps when a business school breaks down the natural barriers to other schools and departments on campus. That way, the MBAs get to work with engineers, computer scientists, and others to bring different skills to the startup. That was true in SoFi’s case. The members of the founding team boast not only an MBA graduate but also graduates with master’s degrees in applied economics and computer science engineering. Similarly, MIT Sloan’s Okta, an identity management company, has raised $155 million was founded by a team comprised of an MBA and computer science major.

Bill Aulet, who heads up the Martin Trust Center for Entrepreneurship at MIT, says it’s no coincidence the center’s building is physically placed outside of the business school and in a spot with easy access for students from multiple colleges. “One thing we consider is does a startup really need three MBAs from MIT,” Aulet says. “We like to consider if the startup is a hybrid and if it helps people. Does it include hardware, software and big data? Does it help people? I don’t think we are so much into creating the next dating app. Dating can be a good thing before you’re married. But what is going to add benefit to the world?”

Regardless of the diversity of founding members or the efficacy of startup output, not all B-schools are created equally in terms of entrepreneurship. Be it tradition, hybridization of disciplines, resources, geography or faculty expertise, some schools simply produce a higher quantity and quality of students establishing successful startups.


In today’s world, you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a good education. As more schools strive to offer convenient, flexible education options for students, free online courses are becoming increasingly popular. Many top mba schools and adult education programs are opening their programs to all students with a desire to learn, without the hassles of enrollment or high costs of tuition.

Anyone looking to advance their education, learn new skills, or just take advantage of the opportunity for free learning resources can benefit from these programs. In the MBA department, especially, free courses are a helpful tool. Getting an MBA and taking business courses isn’t cheap, but with the free resources that you have to choose from today it is easier than ever for you to get an affordable education regardless of what you need.

Here is a list of the best free MBA courses that you can find online today:

Free Management Library
Free Management Library, Micro-eMBA Programs: This resource provides two options for students. Designed for learning, these courses do not offer certification or degrees upon completion.

The Micro-eMBA focuses on organizational and management issues for leaders, entrepreneurs, and managers in for-profit operations.
The non-profit Micro-eMBA course that looks at the nonprofit side of business management and leadership.
MIT Sloan School Of Management
MIT Sloan School of Management: MIT Sloan is perhaps one of the best free resources for online MBA courses. The school provides materials for over 150 graduate-level business classes. This is more than enough to create a custom MBA program that won’t cost a dime. There are undergraduate courses available, as well. Official credits and degrees are not given to students who complete these free courses, but certificates are provided. Some of the courses offered include:

Real Estate Economics: This advanced course focuses on the economics of real estate in today’s ever-changing global climate and economic market. It provides real-time examples to give real estate professionals new skills.
Applied Economics for Managers: This course provides skills in the application of economics rather than theory, with a structure designed specifically for managers.
Game Theory for Managers: A new program, this course offers training in game-related business concepts for management professionals. Its focus is on game development organizations and upper-level management of these companies.
Data Mining: A course that offers information on data processing, discovery, and implementation throughout a business at the executive or managerial level. The focus on data as an effective marketing and communication tool, as well as a management element, for business.
Communicating with Data: Instruction and training on how to implement and utilize data to communicate ideas, metrics, concepts, and other elements of business. The focus is on putting data to work in various ways for increased success.
Advanced Stochastic Processes: A course in advanced processes that will give a business unique and specialized training to improve their understanding of various business methods and concepts that can be used for success.
Queues: Theories and Applications: This course focuses on the various elements of theories and applications, their differences, and how queues are a successful and integral tool for business organizations on various levels.
Systems Optimization: A course that provides training and education in the optimization of various information systems and operations throughout a company, including the ability to optimize various systems at different levels within the organization.
Economy and Business in Modern China and India: An advanced course that focuses on general business and economic principles in two of the biggest world markets: China and India. Students can learn about these economies and why they are so successful in today’s business world.
Organizational Leadership and Change: A course that creates effective leadership and change management skills, provides insight on managing an organization and implementing change for future success of the business, and more.
Leading Organizations II: This course offers advanced business leadership principles and practices, as required for today’s business professionals.
Strategic Organizational Design: A course that focuses on development of an organization and how strategy plays a role in design of that organization.
Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship: This course focuses on business owners and innovation, as well as how to create successful concepts in modern business.
The Software Business: This course is specifically for software companies and executives who want to learn more about running and managing a software business in the 21st century economy.
Corporate Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Technology-Based New Business Development: A course that provides fundamental training and support for creating tech companies in the 21st century and today’s economy.
Global Entrepreneurship: Leadership principles and practices for global business and business management within the global economy. As the global economy becomes more relevant, this course is highly desirable for management executives and leaders.
Early Stage Capital: A course on the development of capital, including cultivation of resources and where to look for financing support for new business. Includes real-world examples and ideas.
Financial Management: Advanced practices in financial management, accounting, and other finance topics for managers and administrators. Every aspect of finance at the advanced or executive level is covered.
Financial and Managerial Accounting: Accounting practices at the advanced level for managerial and executive level professionals, including advanced accounting principles and more.
Taxes and Business Strategy: This course provides advanced studies in business taxes and strategy, including development of effective tax structures and choosing the best tax methods for a company.
Investments: A course that covers investing and finance from an advanced perspective for business professionals. It touches on various topics related to investing, how to successfully invest with a business, and related information.
Advanced Topics in Real Estate: Covers advanced principles and practices in the real estate industry, including managerial and administrative topics as well as global real estate considerations.
Generating Business Value from Information Technology: A course that explores advanced practices for generating income and revenue with the assistance of technology, internet marketing, and other 21st century tools for business development and marketing.
Kutztown University Of Pennsylvania
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania: The Small Business Development Center at KU provides access to over 90 different free online programs in various areas of business, including advanced MBA studies and programs. Courses are available in areas like:

Accounting: Courses offered will focus on graduate-level accounting studies as they are relevant to business leaders and managers. The focus is on advanced accounting practices and principles.
Business Operations and Management: These courses provide a basic overview and detailed training in various areas of operations and management for the business owner or leader.
Business Planning: Covers various areas of business planning and management at the graduate level for increased business success from the start. Advanced planning and strategic concepts, as well as relevant tools and resources, are included.
Finance: Courses in finance cover many areas within a business or organization, including managerial finance and other upper-level finance topics and issues. This advanced training is ideal for those at the executive level.
International Business: This course prepares managers and business professionals for the growing global economy and business on an international scale. A popular topic of study, this course ensures that business professionals understand global business as a real emerging demand for the business industry.
Management Development: A program that focuses on developing managerial staff and creating effective leadership within a business or organization. Advanced practices focus on creating effective leadership, cultivating team players, and choosing successful leaders.
Marketing: Simple marketing principles and practices for graduate-level business students and executives. All topics are covered, including 21st century marketing solutions, choosing marketing strategies, and more.
Starting and Growing a Business: An advanced course in small business startup and growth, providing valuable resources and tools for business development and success.
Small Business Training Network
Small Business Training Network: Offered by the Small Business Association, this training network provides access to many business courses and online training free of charge. These self-study courses can generally be completed in 30 minutes or less, but do not offer certification upon completion.

Business Technology Simplified: Basic technology tools that can be utilized in business to create efficiency in various organizations. The simplified course focuses on technology and its role in business today.
Take Your Business Global- An Introduction to Exporting: This course guides small businesses through the process of exporting and determining whether this is a viable business strategy or need.
Introduction to Crowdfunding for Entrepreneurs: A course that provides an overview of crowd funding and other financing solutions for business owners and startup companies.
Introduction to Franchising: This course focuses on franchising a business, including a general overview and determining whether a franchise is a good move and which structure is best.
Marketing 101: A Guide to Winning Customers: This is a course that offers basic insight on marketing to help business owners with their own marketing. Real-world examples and tips are used.
London School Of Business And Finance
London School of Business and Finance: This business school offers the entire MBA program free of charge to students, with hundreds of credit hours of lessons and educational resources. Tuition can be paid retroactively for students who want to earn the MBA degree while free courses offer certification but no degree.

Global MBA: The LSBF Global MBA includes advanced training in global business, international management principles, 21st century business models and training, and more. The program provides access to dozens of courses from a Facebook application, or the courses can be accessed from the website directly.
University Of California, Irvine
University of California, Irvine: The OpenCourseWare website at UC Irvine provides students with access to a variety of advanced MBA classes and programs, available in both English and Spanish. There are lessons to break courses down and reading lists that can give students more information on various subjects or classes. Certification of completion is available but courses do not count toward credit or degrees.

Fundamentals of Business Analysis: This course focuses on advanced basics in business analysis for senior level business professionals. The training and coursework covers proper metrics and analysis of business organizations to monitor operational success and achievement of goals and objectives.
Training and Human Resource Development: A course that provides advanced practices in human resources and employee training. This course focuses on human resource development in today’s business economy as well as training practices that encompass modern business principles and elements.