domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

The best MBA of Spain and the world in 2015 ( ranking)

For six years , the prestigious Financial Times ( FT ) prepares an annual ranking of the best MBAs in the world. New listing for 2015 maintains the leadership of Harvard Business School but brings surprises in second place , this time occupied by the London Business School , which has snatched the position to the Stanford Graduate School of Business , which has fallen to fourth place . In Spain , the IESE MBA remains the best master the country's business and seventh at world level .

In the top 20 are cast three schools of Spanish business this year . The most internationally recognized : IESE Business School and IE Business School ( up one place to twelfth place ) , they are accompanied this year by ESADE Business School , which scales up to 19th place worldwide .

How to grow my salary after getting an MBA ?

The ranking is made in response to a variety of factors, including gender diversity and the degree of internationalization of its students, but the heaviest element is the salary. Thus, a Harvard student earns, on average, $ 179,910 ($ PPP) three years after graduation, 96% more than before to do the MBA.

The wage increase in the case of the Spanish schools is 121% for the IESE (earn on average $ 145,000 to three years) and 104% for IE ($ 152,285).

Although valued and prestigious, the FT MBA itself recognizes that they are no longer the fastest way to achieve a wage increase as they once were. Despite the recovery of economic growth, the financial profitability of completing a full-time MBA has fallen in the last three years and while still a graduate can expect to double his salary, the average increase in income has fallen by almost a third since the heyday of qualifying.

This is true in the United States, which has 50 of the 100 business schools in the world, where there is a "growing disaffection with the rating by employers and potential students," says the newspaper.

Last year, several schools closed second level full-time training programs because the applications had fallen. And hopefully there will be more this year, says the dean of the Michigan Ross Business School at Ft. "The market segment that enjoys good health is very small," he adds.

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