miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Administration MBA

Becoming a business leader with an MBA in Management. An MBA in Management provides students with management and leadership skills that will last throughout his career. An MBA in Management prepares students for higher management positions in a variety of businesses.

In addition to a comprehensive MBA program, MBA in Management degree will give you the skills to handle the complexities of managing people, including team skills, management objectives and values, and how these skills are applied in the real world to manage companies. MBA in Management programs often include issues such as comprehensive strategic management, financial management, creativity and innovation and management in the international market.

Find your car in front of an exciting career with an MBA in Management. Choose one of the many institutions in places stimulate learning calificados.¿Quién business professionals know what to expect? Look through the following options and find out!

The Master in Business Administration (MBA) consists of 60 credits. The title is aimed at graduates / graduates in any discipline who want to complete their training and acquire managerial and management skills or develop a research profile in Business Administration.

The Master in Business Administration (MBA) aims to train competent specialists to learn engineering, business entrepreneurship and innovation in today's knowledge economy.

The MBA aims to develop in students the capacity for precise decision making, change management and strategic direction of the business; and capacity building that contribute to scientific advancement in the field of Management and Organization.

In summary prospectus of the Master plan on teaching information is provided, mobility between universities and curricular profiles of the Master.

On the website of the Center for Graduate Studies information on admission and enrollment process, regulations, rates and academic scholarships provided.

Each course offered 40 seats and around 250 applications from all over the world are received.

The Master in Business Administration is organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ( ICADE ) of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, through ICADE Business School.
The MBA program of the ICADE Business School opens doors to a successful career in the field of management and organizational management .
This Master Universitario put in the hands of students the current reality of the business world stage , and gives them the strongest tools of analysis and action , primarily through experiential learning .

The essential elements of our MBA are those of the tradition in teaching MBA-Management, strategy, finance, marketing, human resources, and operations -; but these are combined so that we can expose students to business reality of inter functional way (the management functions are not watertight compartments), and cultural inter (organizations live in a global environment).
The MBA is backed by a large university and over 30 years of experience in the training of managers and professionals in the business world, which has allowed us to demonstrate our program as an official title, integrating into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA ).
Global Strategic Vision
The MBA provides students with a global and strategic vision of the business, integrating all operational areas and offering participants a rich and varied range of management tools that come together when making decisions.
Added value of the program ...

It provides national and international recognition, providing efficiency, quality and excellence in training.
Harmonizes knowledge, attitudes and media, promoting interactive learning between teachers and students.
Prepare for assimilation and change management, developing creativity and use reasoning to solve problems.
Da immediate training needs of our students, companies, institutions and society response.

Our MBA offers students the opportunity to specialize in Management, Finance, Marketing, and Industry and Technology, and carry out a real professional experience (work placement, project consulting, project undertaking, ...).
The specialty in Marketing proposes much more than a functional approach and proposes that address content marketing as a dynamic element and promoter of the strategy and growth of the company (sales management, social media marketing, global marketing, market research, among others).
The specialty in Finance provides an integrated program that aims to expose subjects the student to the institutions and practices of domestic and international financial system, strengthen and extend understanding of financial theories and their application to real problems (global financial markets, mergers and acquisitions, portfolio management, financial analysis, etc.).
The specialty in Management strengthens the management and administration skills purely from a holistic perspective (considering the organization as a whole), and multicultural global, but at the same time. Its training revolves around three main areas: strategy, leadership and change (change management, innovation and technology management, management of the supply chain, negotiation and conflict management, etc.).
The offer specialty of Industry and Technology responds to specific interests and training needs of a type of student who relies on his stay in the same industry in the long term and wants to progress and speed in terms of their level of responsibility within the organization; well, it is looking for a formative experience that is relevant topics of a particular business to a higher level of analysis and development, ie, greater specialization.

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