miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

MBA Master of Business Administration

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The Rome Business School’s MBA course represents the ideal choice for managers and professionals who wish to acquire advanced and modern competencies in order to excel as responsible leaders in the global business environment.

Why our MBA
Didactic excellence

The Rome Business School has obtained the ISO 9001:2008 certification, that recognizes the top quality standards of our training activities. MBA is taught by Ph.D. graduates and seasoned professionals from all management and consultancy fields.

Double MBA

The MBA students of the Rome Business School and of the University of Rostov will be awarded a double degree – Italian and Russian. This double MBA enhances the value provided to their students by both institutions in terms of learning experience and support for their international career.

International reach

By attending the Rome Business School’s MBA and thanks to the unique international network offered by the school, you will get an exclusive opportunity to learn about several countries’ markets in depth and enter a global dimension.

Business Community

The MBA course will include visits to service and manufacturing firms, corporate testimonials and a combination of cultural experiences (museums, concerts and shows) for all those students interested in expanding their horizons.

Flexible learning options

The Rome Business School’s MBA can be attended in either one of these three formulas: full-time; executive; by distance learning. Whatever is your personal preference or need, you will find the right solution for you.

Career Service

The Rome Business School will constantly support you in achieving the career growth you desire with a wealth of services.

A free CV review;
Support in job interviews;
Networking meetings;
A personalised search for the best job opportunities in Italy and abroad.
Multicultural environment

RBS values intercultural exchange as a source of personal and professional development. It provides a unique cultural setting in which students can enjoy a culturally rich experience while participating in a course which offers world class teaching and a global experience.

Financial benefits

Study grants are still available and these will be assigned based upon the candidates’ personal, previous experience and technical-motivational profiles.The attendance fee may be paid off in installments and low interest rate loans are available through banks with which we have special arrangements.

Target recipients
The MBA Degree is aimed at all those who wish to acquire the skills and knowledge which will enable them to operate as general managers.

Students interested in taking part this MBA are typically:

professionals interested to pursue a career in general management, either in non-for profit or for profit businesses or as entrepreneurs or managers;
professionals with a specialist background who wish to acquire general management experience to progress in their careers;
graduates with at least two years of relevant work experience who wish to consolidate their managerial knowledge;
entrepreneurs who wish to develop their skills and competences to make their businesses grow internationally.
Professional outlets
On completion of this Master’s Degree, you will have acquired the skills to be able to work – among other profiles – as:

General Manager
Project Manager
Business Development Manager
Human Resources Manager
Marketing Manager
Strategy Manager
Finance Manager
Management Consultant

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